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Showing posts from January, 2017

Annual Report of Uganda National Association of Private Hospitals (UNAPH), 2016

Annual Report of Uganda National Association of Private Hospitals (UNAPH), 2016 Uganda National Association of Private Hospitals (UNAPH)   was formed and incorporated in December 2006 as a trade association representing private hospital and private health clinics interests in Uganda. Prior to its inception, six founding directors – three of which were medical doctors, three other representing different organizations including Uganda Rural Health Association (URHA), one representing private health consumers and the other a consultant –met to discuss issues and gaps affecting the independent private health subsector or rather the Private-for-Profit (PFP) health subsector in Uganda, which led to the formation of a national private sector body representing private hospitals and private health clinics in Uganda -   Uganda National Association of Private Hospitals (UNAPH) .  Between 2006 and 2010, UNAPH provided a platform for national action when the need arose, ...

Medical Tourism Guidelines outside Uganda

Medical Tourism Guidelines outside Uganda Medical tourism in Uganda is moving on an upward scale and is dominated by private health provider referrals. Patients and their attendants should be aware about the important medical guidelines so that the requirement and interest of the people looking for health care outside Uganda is met. Uganda National Association of Private Hospitals (UNAPH) is devising frameworks consisting of medical ethics and legal guidelines to guide medical tourism. Patients and their attendants must be well-aware of all the legal rules, and medical issues that are involved. UNAPH advises that health providers, patients, sponsors, facilitators, insurance companies, and other entities that facilitate medical care outside Uganda adhere to the following principles: Ensure that the hospital you are visiting is licensed. Patients should only be referred for medical care to institutions that have been accredited by recognized credible accrediting bod...

Private Health Insurance Guidelines

Private Health Insurance Guidelines Private Health Insurance is currently widely used by both formal and informal sector in Uganda, given its potential to improve access to healthcare, most people who purchase private health insurance find that they get good service from their health fund and have no problems when they need to use or claim on their insurance. However a percentage of subscribers find health insurance problems and Uganda National Association of Private Hospitals (UNAPH) receives inquiries and complaints almost every three months which has prompted us to advise a list of tips to help avoid problems with private health insurance. 1. Keep your Premium Payments up-to-date It is your responsibility to make sure that your premium payments are up to date and you remain financial with your health fund. Most funds require you to pay your premiums in advance. They will normally allow some leeway if you fall behind in your payments by up to a few weeks. However, f...