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Why Patients Choose Private Hospitals and Private Clinics in Uganda

Why Patients Choose Private Hospitals and Private Clinics in Uganda

The demand of health services in private hospitals and clinics is increasing because of the certain amenities and facilities that are provided by these institutions. Patients can choose a hospital according to what matters most to them, whether it’s location, cost consideration, infrastructure availability, suggestion from friends, referred by doctors, etc.  It is well known that even the abjectly poor in Uganda show marked preferences for private services compared to public offerings. Past research has attributed these preferences to a lack of public provider accountability, which can be observed in terms of provider attitude. As such with the rapidexpansion of population and shortages of healthcare facilities in governments’ hospitals, private hospitals in the society have been playing a vital role.

One of the main objectives of hospital is to provide adequate care and treatment of its patients. Its principal product is medical treatment, surgical and nursing services to the patient and its central concern is life and health of the patient. As a service organization, the hospitals need to recognize the importance of consumer preferences. Hospitals should be able to meet the expectations of the patients and patient relations attending him or her.

Many people are investing money in this sector andbig corporate houses have entered into health services sector. They are coming with a corporate and professional culture. This has become a great threat to thedomestic healthcare providers. In order to compete with them,local private healthcare providers should try to understand the preferences of their patients. If the services provided by them matches to the expectations of their patients, then it will yield maximum satisfaction. Dissatisfaction may lead patients to keep away from the treatment of the same hospitals.Availability of specialist doctors and surgeons and infrastructure consideration of the hospitals are the dominant reason for the choice of the hospitals by the patients. Patients have different reasons and preferences in choosing a hospital.

Patients’ Response on Reasons for Choosing Private Hospitals

1.      Near to Home
2.      Transport Convenience
3.      Cost Considerations
4.      Infrastructure Considerations
5.      Availability of Specialist Physicians &Surgeons
6.      Patient Urgency
7.      Suggested by Friends & Relatives
8.      Referred by Consulted Doctors
9.      PerceivedQuality of Care
10.  Privacy and Security Considerations
11.  Media Influence
12.  Insurance Cover and Corporate Medical Covers
13.  Hospitalization Standards at some private hospitalsare like a five star hotels.
14.  Availability of Medicines and Equipment and Continuity of Care
15.  Utilizationof Modern Diagnostic Equipment and Experts
16.  Personal Care and Attention to Patients
17.  Safety of the Hospital Environment
18.  Hospital own Publicity and Advertisement

Uganda National Association of Private Hospitals
P.O. Box 29324 Kampala, Uganda


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